Binge drinking

It’s great. You can’t argue with that. A few too many beers with your pals, a bit of a dance or some karaoke, then a cornish pasty on the last train home: what could be better? But binge drinkers are getting a lot of bad press at the moment. If you’re famous and creative, it’s ok to be a drunk: Oliver Reed, Jeffrey Barnard and Shane MacGowan are (were) all loveable drunks, the beer fuelling their creativity. But young, working class drunks are only doing what the English have famously been doing for centuries: getting hammered, vomiting in a shop doorway, then having a punch up. In fact, it’s said that the night before the battle of Hastings, while the Normans prayed, the English Troops got legless on light ale. So remember, next time you’re in the pub – you’re drinking for England.

Please drink responsibly.

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